Sunday, September 29 8:00 A.M. Worship Service
9:15 A.M. Education Hour
10:30 A.M. Worship Service with Communion
Monday, September 30 5:30 P.M. Bell Choir
6:30 P.M. Adult Choir
Wednesday, October 2 10:30 A.M. Adult Bible Study
12:30 – 4:00 P.M. Craft Time
5:15 P.M. Confirmation Class
6:45 P.M. Youth Group
Thursday, October 3 6:30 P.M. Worship Service with Communion
Saturday, October 5 7:00 A.M. Men’s Group
8:30 A.M. Women’s Group
Sunday, October 6 8:00 A.M. Worship Service with Communion
9:15 A.M. Education Hour
10:30 A.M. Worship Service
Voter’s Meeting: October 13, 2024, in between worship services, we will be holding a Voter’s Meeting to vote on Board/Council position. Please note that we are still looking for nominees for Recording Secretary and Board of Youth. Please prayerfully consider if you could fill one of these openings.
Womens Bible Study: Join other women Saturday mornings at church, beginning at 8:30 am, as they fellowship and study God's Word. They are starting a new study about Romans. In this profound epistle, Paul explores all the wrong directions and takes us to the only right one. The wrong solutions are pleasure and pride, and the correct solution is Christ Jesus. Join beloved author Max Lucado as he dives into the book of Romans to consider in Paul's words everything from practical instruction for a growing church to the very core of the Christian faith.
Volunteer Opportunity: Would you like to welcome people as they come to worship? All it takes is a smile and a “Hello/good morning.” Late service has opening for greeters. This would be for November – May (or as long as you want to help) plus, you can choose which Sunday to greet at. Thank you to everyone who has helped as a greeter, you make Good Shepherd a friendly, welcoming place. If you are interested in greeting or have questions, please contact Vivian at 920-479-0775.
Attention Good Shepherd Fans: Team Fellowship is looking for anyone who would be interested in making a snack or dessert for Sunday Fellowship Hour. Please sign up on the sheets located in the atrium. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
Sunday Bible Study: Beginning Sunday, September 29th, the Adult Bible study will explore the question that has been debated for centuries "Is the Bible and its contents-reliable?" In four sessions, The Bible On Trial: Beyond A Reasonable Doubt addresses critical views of the Scripture, examines evidence from the ancient world, surveys how archaeology often corroborates the Biblical record and considers the word of those who were either Jesus' contemporaries or were closely connected to eyewitnesses who knew Jesus -and His remarkable life-well. We hope to see you at this study. If you have any questions, please contact Tim Hoversten, 920-267-0875.
Interested in Membership? We will be welcoming new members to Good Shepherd soon. If you are interested in becoming a member, please fill out the information sheet and a New Member Packet. They are both located on the green table in the atrium.
Lutheran Layman League: The North and South Wisconsin LLL Districts invite you to come together and celebrate Energizing Mission. Learn of God’s impact in people’s lives every day at their annual convention on October 12th. Special speakers include: Dr. Kari Vo, Theological Editor & Author of LHM Daily Devotions, Dick Gast, LHM Float & Tournament of Roses Parade Presentation, and Kathy Robinson Orphan Grain Train: Wisc. Division. Download the registration form at: https://www.nw-sw-lll-lhm.org/
This week on KFUO.org: We will be continuing our study of Numbers on Sharper Iron (weekdays at 8:00 a.m. CT), and discussing the third and fourth chapters of Revelation on Thy Strong Word (weekdays at 11:00 a.m. CT). Tune in to the Coffee Hour (weekdays at 9:00 a.m. CT) for a conversation with the director of Project 24 in Kenya, a special story in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, and the October edition of Searching Scripture from The Lutheran Witness. Find your favorite programs on demand at kfuo.org or on the KFUO Radio app!
Family fun Day: Saturday, October 12th is going to be Good Shepherd's Family Fun Day. Consider joining us at Petals and Plows around 2:00 pm. There is now a sign-up sheet in the atrium to pay in advance for discounted Adult Corn Maze tickets ($8) Kids are 5-17 are $5 and 4 - younger are free. The tickets are only needed if you plan on going through the corn maze. The 12th is Petals and Plows "Not So Scary Halloween Party." People are encouraged to wear a costume.
Board Positions: The Nominating Committee has created the following slate of candidates for the listed Board/Council positions. They will be voted on at the October Voter’s Meeting. President - Chad Smith, Recording Secretary - Vacant, Financial Secretary - Chris Feutz, Evangelism - Daniel Weiss, Fellowship – Sharon Leinweber, Stewardship – Matt Toll, Board of Youth – Vacant (one year commitment with full term election to occur in 2025) Any communicant member may submit additional names of members to serve in any of these positions up to October 4, 2024, which is ten days before the Voters meeting (October 13, 2024). We strongly encourage all members to prayerfully consider volunteering to be considered as a candidate in any of the positions, but there is an urgent need to fill the Secretary and Board of Youth positions. Responsibilities are as follows:
I Can Do This!
Recording Secretary
1.Keep accurate and permanent minutes of all meetings of the Voters' Assembly and Church Council meetings. 2.Maintain an accurate list of all Voting Members and the membership of all Committees and boards. 3.Conduct such correspondence as is necessary and/or requested by the Church Council. 4.Arrange at all meetings of the Church Council and Voters' Assembly, to have those attending register upon arrival at the meeting so that a quorum may be easily determined, and a record of attendance be maintained.
Board of Youth Chairperson
1. Advise and assist the middle school through high school youth of the Congregation in spiritual growth and social activities. 2.Develop a program for the social fellowship of both young people and the young adults of the congregation, including various recreational programs. 3.Plan a special event to welcome the newly confirmed young people of the congregation and to invite them to join the young people's groups. 4. Provide for continual education of young people in conjunction with the Board of Education. 5. For administration purposes and program development, supervise the work of all youth groups in the congregation. 6. Plan and carry out, together with the concerned Boards, a year-round program for the young people of the congregation.
Last Week at Good Shepherd…
Attendance: Thursday: 53 Sunday 8:00: 83 Sunday 10:30: 132 Weekly Total: 268
Offerings For Week of 9/22:
General Fund: $3,713.00
Missions: $206.00
Strategic Fund: $30.00
Total Offerings: $3,949.00
Weekly Budget Needs at Good Shepherd: $7,381.00
(“…So it is with you. Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in gifts that build up the church.”) -1 Corinthians 14:1
Please remember in your prayers:
Church Members:
Al Gebel, Andrew Schaick, Wayne Guy, Joni Schloesser, Sherri Groskreutz, Don Borgen, Kelly Crowe, Liz Hoversten, JoAnn Haskins, Tom Dunham, Bill Zorr, Joann Behm, Jim & Sharron Ziemer, Ed Huebner, Louise Gabert, and Brenda Hawig.
Friends & Relatives of Church Members:
Hazel Quandt & family; Linda Brehmer’s friend, Deanne Schubring; Marie; Lee Paris’ nephew & nephew’s wife; Pastor Koepsell’s mother, Lorraine; Jan Peterson’s sisters & niece & son, Scot and daughter, Paula; Ron & Chris Feutz’s grandson, Logan Feutz; Kim & Keith Reetz’s grandbaby, Tobias; Janet Weier’s son, Adam & family; Gene & Donna Gohlke’s nephews, Kirk and Michael, & granddaughter, Karley; and Doug Flouro’s brother, Allan.
Those Who Want to Worship with Us But Aren’t Currently Able:
Shirley & Wes Radloff, Jane Nowicki, Manette Flouro, Pastor & JoAnn Meier, Bill & Louise Gabert, Jim Ziemer, Muriel Guy, Lee Paris, Emily Brunner, Edward Huebner, Jean Stauber, Vicki Beck, Bill Zorr,
Bette Lienhard, Marge Bolding & Milt & JoAnn Haskins.
Military/Overseas Members & Their Families:
Malayna Brehmer (granddaughter of Barry & Linda Brehmer),
Ryan Weber (son of Tim & Liz Hoversten), Chris Hibben, Alycia Mueller, and Jared Rivera
*Please let Lynn Paulus, our Prayer Chain Coordinator, know when we can take you or your loved one off the prayer list lynn@travelleaders.com