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Sunday, December 1                                                         8:00 A.M.            Worship Service with Communion

                                                                                              9:15 A.M.            Education Hour

                                                                                            10:30 A.M.            Worship Service

Monday, December 2                                                        5:30 P.M.            Bell Choir

                                                                                              6:00 P.M.            Fellowship Meeting

                                                                                              6:30 P.M.            Adult Choir

Tuesday, December 3                                                        6:30 P.M.            Elders Meeting

Wednesday, December 4                                               10:30 A.M.            Advent Worship Service    

                                                                                              5:15 P.M.            Confirmation Class

                                                                          5:30 P.M. – 6:15 P.M.            Advent Mission Meal

                                                                                              6:30 P.M.            Advent Worship Service

Saturday, December 7                                                      7:00 A.M.            Men’s Group

                                                                                              8:30 A.M.            Women’s Group

Sunday, December 8                                                         8:00 A.M.           Worship Service

                                                                                              9:15 A.M.            Education Hour

                                                                                            10:30 A.M.            Worship Service with Communion



December Mission of the Month: The work of salvation is finished in Jesus! is a nonprofit organization that exists to declare and defend the Good News that you are forgiven and free on account of Christ alone.  1517 provides resources such as articles, podcasts, videos, and many more to help support not only individuals that have never heard the word of God, but those need to hear it again on their journey to understanding of sola gratia, sola fide, sola Scriptura. Solus Christus!


Christmas Eve Music Tradition: Before each service on Christmas Eve, there is 20 minutes of member led music. If you have a musical talent and want to be involved, please talk to Cam, 920-379-2037. School Band/Choir/Piano students please consider this. If you don't have specific ideas or a song in mind, Cam can help find music for you. This is an ASAP request because it takes time to pair the music and musician with time left to practice. Thanks so much. Each year, this tradition is a huge blessing to the people worshipping on Christmas Eve.


New Bible Study: Sunday morning Adult Bible study for the first three weeks in December will be on the book of Philemon.  This letter to Philemon was written during one of Paul’s many imprisonments. It’s the shortest letter he ever wrote, but don’t let its size trick you. This is actually one of the most explosive things Paul ever composed. The study will also incorporate many of Paul’s epistles into the discussion and will be led by Jon Mielke.


Sunday School Kids: Christmas is right around the corner and the Sunday School kids are working very hard to get ready for their Christmas Program. Parents, please do you your best to make sure your kids are here every Sunday so that they can reherse for the program. Thank you for your support!


Christmas Caroling: Here is a gift that you can give to our church family. Each year, members travel to our homebound and share in the ministry of 'presence'. We get to visit, sing and pray with our members. Come along (all are invited!) and have your heart filled with "Tidings of Comfort and Joy”. If you are interested in being a part of this special event, please meet in the church parking lot Sunday, Dec 15th at 1:00pm and carpool with others or drive separately. Feel free to stay until you need to leave the group.


Director of Christian Ministry (DCM): Good Shepherd has been blessed with a growing congregation and as such, has voted to call a DCM. There is a call committee working on a job description and other matters related to this position. As of their last meeting, the following job responsibilities for a DCM has been developed. Here are a few of the broad expectations: Assist Pastor with church faith development, work with Pastor to develop a congregational growth plan, lead children and youth ministries, and ensure that missional communities are formed around age, stage, and interests. The full DCM position description will be available in tomorrow’s weekly email.


Advent Devotions: “His Gospel is Peace” is the Advent devotion we are using this December. There are copies available in the atrium or if you prefer a digital copy, you can download a copy at We hope to see you at our mid-week worship services which will explore this theme and are different than Sunday services. Consider joining us on Wednesday evenings from 5:30-6:15 pm for Midweek Mission Meals – Feed your belly, then feed you soul!


This Week on Sharper Iron airs a new series called “The Fifth Evangelist” (weekdays at 8:00 a.m. CT), going through the book of Isaiah. On Thy Strong Word (weekdays at 11:00 a.m. CT), we enter into Holy Week, taking a look at chapters 12-14 in John’s Gospel. Join us live on Sunday and Wednesday (1:00 and 7:00 p.m. CT) as we bring back a special 100th anniversary edition of JOY!, a one-hour program of sacred music for the Advent season. Find the full program schedule at



Last Week at Good Shepherd…


Attendance:   Thursday: 40     Sunday 8:00: 91       Sunday 10:30: 93     Weekly Total: 224



Offerings For Week of 11/24:



  • General Fund: $20,850.00

  • Missions: $48.00

  • Strategic Fund: $30.00

  • Craft Fair: $14,092.00



Total Offerings: $35,020.00


Weekly Budget Needs at Good Shepherd:  $7,381.00


(“…So it is with you.  Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in gifts that build up the church.”) -1 Corinthians 14:1



Please remember in your prayers:


Church Members:

Sherri Groskreutz, Don Borgen, JoAnn Haskins, Tom Dunham, Bill Zorr,  Jim & Sharron Ziemer, Ed Huebner, Louise Gabert, and Brenda Hawig.



Friends & Relatives of Church Members:

Magdalene Steinke’s, Aunt Carrie; Linda Brehmer’s friend, Deanne Schubring; Marie; Lee Paris’ son, Andy; Pastor Koepsell’s mother, Lorraine; Jan Peterson’s sisters & niece & son, Scot and daughter, Paula; Ron & Chris Feutz’s grandson, Logan Feutz; Kim & Keith Reetz’s grandbaby, Tobias;  Janet Weier’s son, Adam & family; Gene & Donna Gohlke’s nephews,  Kirk and Michael, & granddaughter, Karley; and Doug Flouro’s brother, Allan.




Those Who Want to Worship with Us But Aren’t Currently Able:

Shirley & Wes Radloff, Jane Nowicki, Manette Flouro, Pastor & JoAnn Meier, Bill & Louise Gabert, Jim Ziemer, Muriel Guy, Lee Paris, Emily Brunner, Edward Huebner, Jean Stauber, Vicki Beck, Bill Zorr, Marge Bolding & Milt & JoAnn Haskins.



Military/Overseas Members & Their Families:

Malayna Brehmer (granddaughter of Barry & Linda Brehmer), Ryan Weber (son of Tim & Liz Hoversten), Chris Hibben, Alycia Mueller, and Jared Rivera


*Please let Lynn Paulus, our Prayer Chain Coordinator, know when we can take you or your loved one off the prayer list


Midweek Advent Services

Wednesday, December 4 - 10:30 am & 6:30 pm*

Wednesday, December 11 - 10:30 am & 6:30 pm*

Wednesday, December 18 - 10:30 am & 6:30 pm*


*Advent Mission Meals are served Wednesday evening from 5:30-6:15 pm


Christmas Services

Christmas Eve Worship - 10:30 am, 4:00 & 6:30 pm

Christmas Day - 9:00 am

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