If you would like to support the ministry at Good Shepherd with an occasional gift, please consider giving through Thrivent. You do not need to be a member of Thrivent to donate to Good Shepherd. Thrivent pays the donation processing fees - that means 100% of your donation goes directly to Good Shepherd. To contribute to the ministry at Good Shepherd, please use the following link or scan the QR code.
You will need to "refine search" and then enter the following information in the "keyword" section to locate our church through Thrivent:
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Oshkosh, WI
Please know that all contributions are used by Good Shepherd to transform lives.

Explore our gallery to see how our church community comes together to worship, celebrate, and serve. These images capture the spirit of our congregation and the joy we find in fellowship. We invite you to be a part of our shared experiences.